Ed Ferri - Owner & CEO / Purchasing / Product Development / Website Manager / Boss Stuff, Etc... (ed@planetbmx.com)
Started BMX racing in 1980, and has been involved in the BMX scene for 44 years now, and has worked in the industry for 39 of those years. Raced for Skyway, RAD Racing, and Bonzai Cycles during the early years. Worked in a few really great bicycle shops since the mid-80's, and worked at MCS Bicycles (Custom Cycle Supply) as a sales rep in the early 2000's, as well as FMF BMX. Started PlanetBMX in 2005 with a few different models of Skyway Tuff Wheels as our main product, and steadily built up PlanetBMX to what it is today! Since then we've helped design and make frames, bikes, and parts for a few companies that we represent.
Lord Brian Lawrenz -Shipping Department / Shipping label expediter / Warehouse / Etc, etc.....,
Brian is our resident freestyle guru, and knower of all things Haro. He's awesome! Brian is retired from the military, and has the vocabulary to prove it! Brian also works for CEW, indirectly, re-building Tuff Wheels! He also is a Scottish Lord. For real.
Richard Kirby "Vanilla" Cason - Customer Service
Richard is our customer service representative here at Planet BMX. He's been around BMX since the early 80's as a BMX racer, and is a skilled consumer-relations guy, so it made perfect sense to put the two together! He's the guy that now answers the phone, and emails around here! We call him "Vanilla" because if you have a problem, yo! He'll solve it! He can be reached atcustomerservice@planetbmx.com.
Tommy Lins- Shipping Department / Warehouse
Tommy is our shipping department guy! He lovingly takes each and every BMX part that is purchased from us, and wraps them all up like mummies on their way to the afterlife! FedEx, UPS, and the post office are still trying to figure out a way to damage one of his boxes, but so far they can't! Tom also is a cat whisperer. Cats just show up so they can communicate telepathically with him. It's pretty wild!
Scott "Six Slinger" Venuti- Shipping / Music player / Comic relief
Scott has been with us since the early days, going back to the 1940's when we were known as PlanetPenny-Farthing. That's a LONG time for humans, but not for a wizaed! Somehow we still manage to laugh at all of his cheesey jokes. He is a master voice impersonator, and is always fun to be around. He is scary tall, and full of tattoos. But don't let his appearance fool you. He's a teddy-bear.
Sometimes during the day, Scott can be found in the shipping department here at PlanetBMX! But at night, he's the lead guitar player in one of the best Eagles tribute bands- DESPERADO! He's a master on and off the stage, and the groupies love him!
Scott is also a tattoo artist, which is his passion when not here at Planet, or at the clubs playing his music. He's growing his chin-dreadlocks really long right now, and loves Masters Of the Universe stuff. He's a GT know-it-all, too. He loves to sing old country songs from the 70's and 80's. (That does annoy the other guys at times!) He's starring in his own television show later this year- "ST. AUGUSTINE INK", which will showcase his skills. Nah, we're totally kidding there. There's no tv show. But I'd watch it if there was...!
Mary Kral- Accounting
Ed's Mom. She was the captain of the cheerleading squad back in the day, and now she makes sure that the numbers all add up. She still spins the baton in her spare time. And she makes one bad stew! And NOT in the good kind of "bad".
Q-Tip- Staff Psychologist / Pest Control
Q-Tip is a feral cat that walked in the warehouse one day (on October 19, 2022 to be exact) and decided that living among bike parts was just what she wanted! She's one cool cat, and loves to share love to anyone that she meets. She's awesome.
Kiki the cat- Security and Pest Control
Kiki is the oldest staff member at PlanetBMX. In cat-years, she's nearly 100 years old, and she's still guarding the place against intruders, and is known to fight off the local geese if they wander too close to the building. She's a bonifide bad-ass. And we're all scared of her. (August 17, 2021- Kiki took her walk over the Rainbow Bridge. We're gonna miss her a lot!)
In memoriam.....______________________________________________
Adam Fischer- Warehouse / Janitor
Adam did a little of everything around here. He comes from a skateboarding background, but we don't hold that against him too much. Ha!
William "Slick Willy" Fischer- Warehouse manager
Slick Willy was our warehouse guru. What would take a dozen elves to accomplish in one night takes him a single day. Single handedly! He likes Big Butts, and he cannot lie.
(c) 2006-2025 PlanetBMX / EF3Bikes
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * No images may be used without written permission